African Bauxite Corporation (ABC) creation

ABC was created in partnership with Eurasian Resources to help funding projects created by A. Zotov with the support of the local team. The appearance of ABC was mainly due to lack off funds of major shareholder from ER and inability of the ER to continue. The main objectives of ABC was the following:
  • mining of GBT property;
  • Mining Axis property;
  • Developing multiuser snd Multicargo port infrastructure at the Kokaya Port;
  • Constructing and maintaining the river channel along the Fatala river;
  • Non metallurgical alumina refinery construction
  • Oil Refinary Construction

Partnership with GBT

ABC holds Farm-out agreement with GBT for the developing of the bauxite mine:

  • Permit 176.9km2;
  • Part of ex-BHP exploration license;
  • Well-located to export infrastructure (17km from Port Kokaya);
  • Average thickness of Bauxite 6.29m
  • Proposed Production Capacity 5.0 mtpa. 10+ years LoM;
  • Target Export Quality: Al2O3 46% SiO2 3%;
  • Resources: 80MT;
  • 10 May 2018 – Feasibility Study presentation in Ministry of mines;
  • Q4 2018 – Mining License was granted

Partnership with Axis

ABC holds farm-out agreement with AXIS for the developing of the bauxite mine:

  • Permit 426.6km2;
  • Well-located to export infrastructure (45 km from Port Kokaya);
  • Drilling grid up to 25x25;
  • Average thickness 6.0m;
  • Proposed Production Capacity 5.0-10.0 mtpa. 18 years LoM;
  • Average Quality: 43.40% Al2O3, SiO2 2.3%;
  • Resources: 198MT;
  • Application for Mining License passed successfully and awaiting for the President issuing
  • Mining License granted Nov 2018

Axis location and geology
Multiuser Port Kokaya concept

ABC promoted the multiuser Port Kokaya concept.
For the port realisation the contract with the Swiss engineering company was BGI SA was signed a number of works were performed to provide geotechnical, environment and compensation studies.

Potential Users of Port:
  • Bauxite Mining Companies
  • Alumina Projects (SBG, Rusal, ERA)
  • Oil Companies (Total, Shell, others, own oil refinery)
  • General Cargo Transport Companies (Maersk, CGM, others)
The first commercial MOU was signed with Ashapura 01.12.2018 to ship Ashapura's bauxite through the Kokaya Port

Initial drawings of the port
Fatala river channel concept

ABC created consortium with the following companies:
to create and operate the channel on the Fatala river. The target was to create and maintain the channel at the depth -4,5 m LAT at the first stage and to enlarge it to -9 m LAT for the operation of the Handymaxes.

ABC participate the tender process organised by Ministry of Mine and Geology (MMG). To organised the tender MMG hired Rent a Port

The main competitor of ABC was the consortium of Cosco and Chalco
