Timeline of the project

Foundation of the Eurasian Ressources Sarl (ER);

Fund raising for Eurasian Ressources Sarl completed

ER made the Feasibility and apply the request for the 1,1 km2 for the river port in Kokaya
ER signed the MOU with Saguipami , Ahmed Kante was the director.
The purpose of MOU is to Saguipami help facilitate the project. GBT and Axis introduced by Saguipami.

ER introduced to Saguipami the concept of multiuser port based on preliminary agreement signed with Axis. Saguipami introduces GTB to join the concept. The port territory request enlarged from 1,1 to 3.2 km2

Ahmed Kante left Soguipami and created the company IBCC. His wife was the owner and director of IBCC. Memorandum of understanding signed with IBCC and paid USD 250,000;
(MOU IBCC&Eurasian)
December 2017 Eurasian Ressources Sarl (ER) obtained the mining permit. The same month ER experiences funding issues.

Eurasian Resources Mining SARL (ERM) was created to continue financing the GBT and Axis projects.

MMG gave ER additional time till 0108.2018 to pay the license fee.

Additionally the following companies have been registered:
  • ERA - for Oil refinery construction
  • Port Kokaya SARL - for port management
  • RPCM SARL - for the river chenel management
  • Boffa Corridor SARL - for road infrastructure management

The following contracts to continue geological and geotechnical explorations to start GBT and Axis projects:
  1. ERM signed five contracts with Goeprospects
  2. Port Kokaya signet MOU with Ashapura
  3. ERM signet two farm-out agreements with GBT and Axis
  4. ERM signet agreement with Gazserf to create feasibility studies for GBT and Axis
  5. ERM signed MOU with Boscalis for the river channel creation
  6. ERM signer the agreement with Gazserf to mage a technical and feasibility study to create the oil refinery
  7. ERM signet contract to supply equipment for oil refinary
  8. ERM, on behalf of Port Kokaya sarl signed agreement with Contempory/SD mining to start construction of the port and road to GBT
  9. three contracts were signed with Phanar Legal (Philip Rogers) for drafting the fram-out agreements with GBT and Axis and for the legal supervision of the ABT and Axis project development
  10. Contract signed with engineering company BGI for the port design and construction supervision
  11. ERM signed the agreement with Moorpark Limited for the fleet mobilisation for the oil transportation

By August 2018 ER was not able to pay the license fee. The decision was taken to split the project ER and GBT+Axis.
New company African Bauxite Corporation (ABC) was created in London and ABC become the shareholder of the ERM, ERA, Port Kokaya, Boffa Corridor, RPCM

Initiated the construction of the port and the road by Contempory/SDM
MMG issued the mining licenses to GBT and Axis based on work done by ERM and MMG validated the farm-outs.

01.02.2019 ABC (as the parent company) Signed MOU with Contempory/SDM to convert construction agreement signed by ERM in September 2018 to a partnership agreement, Under this agreement SDM invest 36,6 million USD in exchange of 42% of the project and ABC gets 58% of the joint venture.

The conflict of interests appeared between ER and ABC. the reason - using the same port zone. 01.02.2019 ER send the letter to the MMG showing the problem and clarifying that ER has no interest in developing GBT and Axis project.

08.02.2019 the meeting was organised with the support of the Ambassador of Russian Federation to make explications and to find the solution. The decision was made to split the port zone between two projects.

18.02.2019 the Minister of MMG set up the commission to properly do the split and the supporting letter was sent to the participants in the confirmation of mentioned above.

Ahmed Kante, Claude Lorcy and Philip Rogers, knowing all this information, having power of attorney from the principal, created Port Minier Kokaya (PMK), Guinea Investment Corporation (GIC) created AGB2A company in partnership with SD Mining (SDM) where the MMG split the therritory in the port in a favour PMK (link to the President Decrete) and GIC got 58% in joint venture with SDM on the same condition that ABC signet with SDM on 01.02.2019.
Without investing even a penny, earning money during their work for ABC/ERM they become a majority shareholder of the project.
No AGB2A no PMK has no permission for the construction of the port. And they did it at the time when the construction was almost finished.

In October 2019 at the Summit of Rissia-Africa in Sochi the representative of ABC met Alfa Conde, the President of the Republic of Guinea and explained the situation. The president forced MMG to do the investigation.

November 2019 there was a meeting in Paris between the Inspector General of MMG (Mr Kaba), where ABC provided all the documents confirming what happened.

The investigation lasted till June 2020. At the time of pandemic, when there were no flights available, MMG informed ABC that investigation was over and the meeting was appointed on 08.08.2020. The representative of ABC must visit the meeting in person and were limited only by two persons.

ABC have to charter the plane to arrive to Conakry. On the way back to Russia the charted plane was used as a part or rescue mission and provided possibility to evacuate people from Conakry for them to reunite with their families at that hard time.

At the meeting on 08.08.2020, the representative of ABC were limited by the number of people to attend the meeting. ABC was not able to bring on the meeting representative of SDM. as the result the meeting attended only ABC+1, GIC (Ahmed Kante and Lorcy) and GBT (Soriba Kamara).
ABC tried to ask why no representative of SDM and Axis were invited - no answers were given

The meeting was short. Lorce and Kante said that they never worked for ABC/ERM, they were working only for ER. On any questions from ACB of the results of the investigation done by Kaba - no answers were given.

After the meeting the Minister close the investigation because there were no reason and all the issues have been settled. There were no ERM/ABC and No Kante No Lorce worked for ABC/ERM.

After that meeting ABC signed the settlement agreement with ER. Under this agreement A. Zotov exited the ER project and ER and it's mane shareholder confirmed that A. Zotov mage ABC project by himself and at his own costs. All his actions during being the managing partner of ER was legal and valid. Lorcy, Kante and Rogers were working for A.Zotov and ABC project. Based on this document the President opened the new investigation and appointed Don Mello Ahoua to lead the investigation.

Investigation lasted till August 2021. the solution was found and Don Mello asked to organised the the final meeting in Moscow on 05.09.2021 with participation of major investors in the project. 05.09.2021 people arrived to Moscow but due to cope in the Republic of Guinea the meeting was cancelled.

24.09.2021 SDM wrote the letter to the President Doumbouya. confirming that initialy ABC should be the partner and described the conflict between SDM and GIC

November 2021 the founder of ABC visited Conakry and met newly appointed Minister of MMG and explained the situation. The Minister of MMG asked to make a meeting together with SDM
On 30.11.2021 there was a meeting with the participation of SDM where both companies ABC and SDM confirmed that Kante and Lorcy and Rogers stolen 58% from ABC.
The supporting letter of this event was sent by ABC to the MMG on 01.12.2021 (link to the letter).

No response were received from the MMG.
January 2022 ABC filed criminal case in criminal court of Kaloum.
April 2022 preliminary investigation done by Police finished with the resolution initiate the criminal case against Kante, Lorcy and Rogers.
Mr. Abdoulaye Soumah was appointed as the Instruction judge.

Based on the letter SDM sent to the president on 23.09.2021 The minister of MMG organised the meeting between SDM and GIC and pushed to restore Madam Zhang as the director of AGB2A. and asked parties to find the solution for comfortable work together.
GIC created AGB2A-GIC, SDM created AGB2A-SDM and they sind the protocol of splitting the territories of the GBT and Axis license. The ministry of mines do not recognise this split.

Investigation lasted till January 2023. During the time of investigation there was a conflict between Lorcy and Kante, and Kante kicked out Lorcy from the project. And Lorcy start cooperation with the Justice. And it was found the Ahmed Kante directly the majority owner of GIC.

23.01.2023 Instruction judge issuing the ordinance to freeze activities of all the companies where Kante is the major shareholder.

Kante made the appeal. The decision of the Appeal instance was to cancel the ordinance issued by Soumah and to change the instruction judge. Both decision had no reason and justification for this. (attachment of the decision).

Zaoro Konomou was appointed as the new instruction judge.

In February 2023 AGB2A-GIC signed the contract with Sinohydro for exporting the bauxite and building new port facility. (attachment of the letter of Kante). ABC had a meeting with the CEO of Sinihydro and provided all the papers showing that there is criminal case agains Kante. The China Embassy was also informed with no result

In august 2023 AGB2A-GIC signed the agreement with TOP International.

09.11.2023 instruction judge issued ordinance convicting Kante Lorcy and Rogers in convicted criminal activities and shifted the case to the first instance.

ABC meet Jenn Shi and give them the copy of the ordinance. TOP International ignored this information and continued the cooperation with Ahmed Kante.

Since December 2023 there were made numbers of convocations. Kante refused to receive convocations and do not attend the hearings.

Today the lawyers of the accused Ahmed Kanté come to raise the exception based on the nullity of the previous procedure on the grounds that the file had not not made available to them
The public prosecutor, for its part, suggested to the court to check whether the notices of provision to the councils appear in the file. If this is the case, to reject the objection of nullity raised by the defense.
Judge Ousmane Sylla postponed the case until May 13 to rule on the exception raised by the defense lawyers

During this hearing, the court started the debates by ruling on the request made at the previous hearing by Me Aboubacar Sidiki Kanté, lawyer for Claude Lorcy and Ahmed Kanté.
The court qualified as unfounded the objection of nullity, the previous procedure raised by the defense counsel on 29 of April
Lawyers of Ahmed Kante referred to the Judge with the request to stop procedure because this case has been settled before at the Commercial Court.

The trial initially scheduled for this Monday, May 27, 2024, was postponed to June 17, 2024, for “training reasons” for magistrates. Our lawyers have officially expressed our dissatisfaction with this postponement, particularly given that it concerns individuals who continue to illegally benefit from the fruits of the project, notably former minister Ahmed Kanté and his associates.